inbox placement tools

Inbox Placement Tools

Sep 25, 2023

AudiencePoint Team

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Have you ever wondered how many of your emails are actually ending up in subscribers’ inboxes? 

Inbox placement tools can help test for that exact metric. That way, you can determine if you have too much content going to spam folders. Plus, it can give you an estimate of how your content and domain appear to email providers when they run several spam and content filters to determine which folders your content will go to. 

This article will dive into what inbox placement tools are, how they test for inbox placement rates, and resources that will help you create strategies for success. Read on for all the details. 

How Do I Check My Inbox Placement Rate?

A simple way to check your placement rate is by using inbox placement tools. These tools give you a quick and easy resource to get metrics on how inbox providers will see your content and the likelihood that it will end up in primary inboxes. 

While these tools don’t guarantee exact accuracy, they can give you some good estimates to determine if you need to improve specific areas of your content strategy. 

What Are Inbox Placement Tools?

Inbox placement tools are software programs that are designed to help estimate inbox placement rates. They work by running many checks in the background to provide you with quick results that show aspects such as how likely content is to land in spam folders and whether your DKIM, SPF, and DMARC are set up correctly.

What Is An Inbox Placement Test?

An inbox placement test is the process that inbox placement tools go through to provide you with results. The processes for placement tests differ a bit between different tools, so they won’t all give you the same results. 

Some common processes they use to check placement are analyzing past email engagement rates, how content will be treated by major email providers and typical spam filters. 

Plus, they may test for your overall sender reputation, which is an important factor in inbox placement. It’s an estimate of your domain’s reputation in the eyes of inbox providers that determines how likely your content will be to land in inboxes. 

How Can I Improve My Sender Reputation?

If you find out you have a low sender reputation, there are several measures you can take to improve it. Let’s explore some of the main things you can do. 

1. Use Email Verification Tools

Having a verified email list is an essential aspect of ensuring good email deliverability and inbox placement. Therefore, using verification tools that can authenticate that new subscribers are real and have active inboxes before adding them to your list is a great way to optimize for success. 

2. Maintain List Hygiene

Even if you do an initial email confirmation, that doesn’t mean that subscribers can’t become inactive or inboxes can become dormant later on. That’s why continuous inbox placement monitoring and keeping tabs on subscriber activity is essential. 

AudiencePoint can help with this aspect. Our tool ListFit tracks subscriber activity to help determine when subscribers become inactive. That way, you can attempt to re-engage them or remove them if their inbox has become dormant. It ensures long-term email marketing success. 

3. Use Double Opt-Ins

Consumer complaints are a significant aspect that can hurt your sender reputation. If you have tons of subscribers reporting your emails as spam because you weren’t clear that you were adding them to your email list, it can cause major problems down the line. 

Double opt-ins help prevent that by having subscribers manually confirm that they would like to subscribe to your list. While this can reduce the number of email list signups to an extent, it helps ensure that every subscriber who joins is really interested in receiving content from you. 

4. Sending Valuable Content and Maintaining High Engagement Rates

When you offer tons of value in your content that truly benefits subscribers, they’ll naturally want to engage more with it, which boosts your sender reputation. Plus, you can take additional measures like optimizing send times, improving subject lines, and segmenting your content to boost engagement even further. 

What Affects Delivery Rate Email?

There are several factors that can impact email delivery rates. Things like email list quality, sending history, and the content of individual emails can all impact whether you end up in spam folders or have an email bounce. 

That’s why taking measures for success, like optimizing your content for top quality, having a clean email list full of active subscribers, and deploying top email marketing strategies for engagement, are essential to success. 

If you’re looking for assistance in that process, AudiencePoint can help. 

How AudiencePoint Can Help

AudiencePoint is an email insight software that will help you boost engagement and clean up your email list to ensure your campaigns are successful. That includes improving delivery and inbox placement. 

With AudiencePoint, you’ll receive insights that will help you:

  • Optimize send times
  • Re-engage inactive subscribers
  • Suppress dormant emails to improve deliverability
  • Accurately segment your email list
  • Design new strategies that will help you create more engaging content

With all these insights and more through AudiencePoint, you’ll be able to set yourself up for long-term email marketing success. Contact us today to learn more about getting started.