a white email graphic representing Email Deliverability

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What Is Email Deliverability?

Apr 05, 2024

AudiencePoint Team

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Introduction to Email Deliverability

Definition and Concept of Email Deliverability

Email deliverability refers to an email’s ability to reach the recipient’s inbox rather than landing in the spam folder or getting bounced back. It encompasses a range of factors that influence whether your emails get delivered as intended. Understanding and optimizing email deliverability is critical for ensuring your audience sends and sees your marketing messages.

A blue graphic with the text, What Is Email Deliverability?

Importance of Email Deliverability in Email Marketing

In email marketing, achieving high email marketing deliverability is paramount. A strong deliverability rate ensures that your carefully crafted emails reach your intended recipients, leading to higher engagement rates, improved customer relationships, and, ultimately, better ROI. Neglecting email deliverability can result in wasted efforts and dollars as emails that don’t reach their mark fail to generate the desired business outcomes.

General Overview of Good Email Deliverability Rates

So, what is a good deliverability rate for email? Typically, a good rate is 95% or higher. This means that out of every 100 emails sent, at least 95 land in the recipient’s inboxes. Rates lower than this could indicate underlying issues with your email list, sending practices, or technical configurations. Regular email deliverability tests can help you monitor and maintain healthy rates, ensuring your campaigns perform optimally.

a blue graphic with a text about the Importance of Email Deliverability

What Is Meant by Email Deliverability?

Email deliverability refers to an email message’s ability to reach the inbox of the intended recipient. It is an essential aspect of email marketing that ensures your carefully crafted messages are not lost in transit or the spam folder.

Understanding Email Delivery vs. Email Deliverability

It’s important to distinguish between email delivery and email deliverability. Email delivery simply means that your email was accepted by the recipient’s server, which doesn’t always guarantee it will land in the inbox. On the other hand, email deliverability focuses on whether the email successfully reaches the recipient’s inbox, which can be hindered by various factors such as spam filters, ISP blocking, and user complaints.

Factors Determining Email Deliverability

Several factors come into play in determining email deliverability:

  • Sender Reputation: ISPs and email providers use the reputation of your sending domain and IP address to decide if your emails should be delivered to the inbox. A poor sender reputation can significantly lower deliverability rates. Having dedicated IP addresses provides full control over sending reputation, which is particularly beneficial for high email volume senders, allowing them to gradually establish a positive reputation with receiving servers.
  • Email Content: Your email content can trigger spam filters if it contains certain keywords, phrases, or formatting issues. Ensuring your content is relevant and engaging can improve deliverability.
  • User Engagement: Metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and spam complaints indicate user engagement. Higher engagement rates suggest to ISPs that recipients welcome your emails, improving deliverability.
  • Technical Authentication: Implementing authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC can boost your deliverability by proving that your emails are genuinely from your domain, reducing the risk of being marked as spam.

By paying attention to these factors and utilizing email deliverability tools for monitoring and optimization, you can significantly improve your chances of reaching your audience’s inbox.

a graphic about Sender Reputation and Its Impact

What Is a Good Deliverability Rate for Email?

Email deliverability is a crucial metric in email marketing. Understanding what constitutes a good deliverability rate can significantly impact your campaigns’ success. This section will explore industry standards, benchmarks, and the ramifications of different deliverability rates on your email marketing outcomes.

Industry Standards for Email Deliverability Rates

Generally, a good email deliverability rate ranges between 95% to 99%. This means that out of every 100 emails sent, 95 to 99 should successfully reach the recipient’s inbox. Email marketers often strive for a rate closer to 99%, indicating a well-maintained email list and effective sending practices.

Benchmarks and Best Practices

The exact deliverability rate you should aim for can depend on several factors, including your industry and target audience. For instance, B2B emails might have slightly different standards than B2C emails due to differences in email server configurations and recipient behaviors.

One of the best practices for improving your deliverability rate is utilizing email deliverability tools that can provide insights into bounce rates, spam complaints, and engagement levels. These tools help keep your email list clean and identify potential issues before they affect your overall metrics.

Impact of Different Deliverability Rates on Email Marketing Success

A higher deliverability rate ensures that your emails reach more recipients and enhances your sender reputation. On the contrary, a poor deliverability rate can lead to your emails being marked as spam, severely impacting your email marketing’s effectiveness.

Moving forward into Email Deliverability 2024, it’s crucial to integrate emerging technologies and updated best practices to maintain these high standards. Regularly monitoring your deliverability metrics and adapting to changes in the email landscape will be essential for continued success.

In conclusion, aiming for a high deliverability rate is not merely a recommendation but a necessity for any successful email marketing strategy. By understanding what rate to aim for and implementing the right practices and tools, you can ensure your emails consistently reach your audience’s inboxes.

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Factors Affecting Email Deliverability

Email deliverability is influenced by many factors that marketers must continually monitor to ensure their emails reach their intended audiences. Understanding these elements is pivotal in maintaining high deliverability rates and minimizing email deliverability issues. Below, we explore the primary factors that impact email deliverability: sender reputation, content and design, recipient engagement, and technical authentication techniques.

Impact of Sender Reputation

One of the most significant factors influencing email deliverability is the sender reputation. Using a dedicated IP address can help avoid issues caused by other senders and ensure consistent, healthy volume for email programs. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) evaluate the history and behavior of your email-sending practices. A poor sender reputation, often resulting from high bounce rates, spam complaints, or sending to inactive email addresses, can drastically lower deliverability rates. Regularly clean your email list to avoid these pitfalls and remove invalid or unengaged addresses. Additionally, double opt-in methods ensure recipients genuinely want to receive your emails.

Role of Content, Design, and Spam Filters

The content and design of your emails also play a crucial role in email deliverability. Including a clear and easy-to-locate unsubscribe link in all marketing emails is essential to comply with best practices and legal regulations. Emails loaded with spam-triggering keywords, excessive use of capital letters, or too many links can be flagged by spam filters. Craft clear, engaging content with a balanced use of images and text to enhance deliverability. Incorporate personalization elements and ensure your subject lines are attention-grabbing yet not misleading.

Influence of Recipient Engagement

Recipient engagement metrics, such as open and click-through rates, are critical indicators of your email campaign’s health. Ensuring that emails land in the recipient’s inbox rather than spam, social, updates, or any other folder is crucial for maintaining high engagement rates. High engagement rates signal to ISPs that your content is valuable and wanted by recipients, thus improving deliverability. Conversely, low engagement can send emails to the spam folder. Regularly engage with your audience, segment your list based on user behavior, and send tailored content to increase interaction rates.

Technical Factors like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC

Technical authentication protocols, including Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC), are essential for validating your emails. These mechanisms help verify that your emails are not being spoofed or sent by unauthorized parties, building trust with ISPs and enhancing deliverability. Ensure these protocols are correctly set up and maintained for optimal email performance.

a graphic with a text about Ensuring Proper Email Formatting

How to Fix Email Deliverability Issues

Email deliverability issues can severely impact the success of your email marketing campaigns. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach involving diagnosis, best practices, and consistent monitoring.

Steps to Identify and Diagnose Deliverability Issues

The first step in fixing deliverability issues is accurately identifying and diagnosing the root causes. This process often involves analyzing delivery reports, checking bounces, and using deliverability tools.

Start by examining your bounce rates. High bounce rates can indicate issues with your email list quality or problems with recipient servers. Additionally, deliverability tools can provide insights into inbox placement rates, spam complaints, and more granular data. Monitoring blacklist status is also crucial, as being listed can directly impact your deliverability.

Best Practices for Improving Email Deliverability

Once you’ve diagnosed the issues, implement best practices to improve email deliverability. These include:

Maintaining a Clean Email List

Regularly update your email list to remove inactive or invalid email addresses. Avoiding spam traps is crucial for maintaining a good sender reputation and deliverability; ensure your email lists are clean and up-to-date. Implement double opt-in mechanisms to ensure your subscribers are genuinely interested in your content.

Authenticating Your Emails

Use authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. These protocols verify your identity as a sender and help prevent your emails from being marked as spam.

Crafting Engaging Content

Focus on creating relevant, engaging content that resonates with your audience. High engagement rates (opens, clicks) signal to email providers that your emails are valuable, improving deliverability.

Monitoring Your Sender Reputation

Your sender reputation plays a significant role in deliverability. Maintaining a good reputation with your email service provider is crucial to achieving high deliverability rates. Avoid practices that can harm your reputation, such as sending from a shared IP with a low reputation or using deceptive subject lines.

Tools and Techniques to Monitor and Enhance Deliverability

To continually improve email deliverability, leverage various tools and techniques:

Email testing tools, such as Litmus or Email on Acid, can help you preview your emails and identify potential issues before sending them. Deliverability monitoring tools, like Return Path and Validity, offer insights into your sender reputation and inbox placement rates.

Additionally, consider implementing email analytics to track key metrics like open, click-through, and conversion rates. Use A/B testing to experiment with content, subject lines, and sending times to find the most effective strategies.

In conclusion, fixing email deliverability issues is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, strategy, and the right tools. Following these steps and best practices will enhance your email deliverability and improve the results of your email marketing campaigns.

a white mailbox graphic that represents delivered emails

Email Deliverability Tools and Tests

Overview of Popular Email Deliverability Tools

Ensuring that your emails reach the inbox is critical, and various email deliverability tools are designed to help you achieve this. Tools like Mail-Tester.com analyze mail servers to determine email deliverability issues. Popular tools like Return Path, Litmus, and SendForensics provide comprehensive insights into your deliverability metrics, helping you understand how well your emails perform.

Return Path is renowned for its ability to monitor sender reputation and inbox placement rates, offering actionable recommendations to improve overall deliverability. Litmus, known for its robust email testing capabilities, allows marketers to preview their emails across different platforms and clients, ensuring optimal display and engagement. Additionally, SendForensics provides real-time deliverability testing and diagnostics, making identifying issues affecting your email’s success easier.

How to Use Deliverability Tests to Diagnose Issues

Email deliverability tests are essential in diagnosing and resolving issues that hinder your email campaigns. These tests analyze factors like sender reputation, email content, and configuration settings such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. IP addresses play a crucial role in email authentication and deliverability, impacting the sender reputation and the effectiveness of SPF records.

Running a deliverability test can help you identify whether your emails are being flagged as spam or blocked outright. Tools like GlockApps and Mail-Tester provide detailed reports on spam scores, blacklist status, and authentication checks. By examining these reports, you can pinpoint specific issues affecting your deliverability.

Moreover, these tools offer real-time feedback and actionable insights. For example, if your test reveals that your SPF record is not configured correctly, the tool will guide you on how to fix it. Regular testing ensures you keep an eye on potential issues before they escalate.

Case Studies and Examples of Successful Deliverability Improvements

Understanding how others have tackled deliverability issues can be incredibly insightful. Consider the case of a global e-commerce retailer that struggled with low inbox placement rates. By employing Return Path, they identified that outdated mailing lists and poor sender reputations were major issues. They cleaned their lists with targeted recommendations and focused on better email segmentation, resulting in a 20% increase in inbox placement.

Another example is a B2B SaaS company that faced high bounce rates. They utilized Mail-Tester to diagnose the problem and discovered that their DKIM records were not properly set up. Fixing this issue, along with segmenting their audience, significantly improved email deliverability.

These case studies highlight the practical application of email deliverability tools and tests in overcoming common challenges. Continually leveraging these tools helps diagnose and fix issues and contributes to a more robust and reliable email marketing strategy.

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Email Deliverability in Salesforce

Integrating best practices for email deliverability is crucial if you are leveraging Salesforce for your email marketing efforts. Salesforce provides many features to help marketers ensure that their emails end up in the recipient’s inbox. In this section, we will delve into integrating email deliverability practices within Salesforce, explore the platform’s key features that enhance deliverability, and address common issues and their solutions.

Integrating Email Deliverability Practices in Salesforce

One of the first steps to optimizing email deliverability in Salesforce is to properly configure sender authentication protocols like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance). These protocols help establish your domain’s credibility, enhancing deliverability and reducing the risk of being flagged as spam.

Steps for Integration:

  • SPF: Publish an SPF record in your domain’s DNS settings to specify which mail servers are allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain.
  • DKIM: Enable DKIM signing within Salesforce to ensure your outgoing emails have a unique digital signature for authentication by recipient servers.
  • DMARC: Implement a DMARC policy to guide email receivers on handling emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks.

Salesforce Features that Enhance Email Deliverability

The Salesforce ecosystem offers a suite of features designed to boost your email deliverability rates. These features include:

  • AudiencePoint Send Time Optimization: Utilize AudiencePoint’s second-party data pool to analyze email engagement data and optimize send times, content, and audience segmentation for better deliverability.
  • Engagement Metrics: Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates directly within Salesforce to proactively identify and address deliverability issues.
  • Reputation Management: Use built-in tools to monitor and manage your sender reputation, which is crucial for maintaining high deliverability rates.

Common Issues and Solutions in Salesforce Email Deliverability

Even with robust tools and practices, you may encounter email deliverability issues within Salesforce. Internet service providers (ISPs) play a crucial role in email delivery, as their servers host Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) servers and determine email deliverability and inbox placement rates. Some common problems and their solutions include:

  • High Bounce Rates: Regularly clean and update your email lists to remove invalid or inactive addresses and decrease bounce rates.
  • Spam Complaints: To minimize spam complaints, ensure recipients have clearly opted in to receive your emails and include easy-to-find unsubscribe options.
  • Low Engagement: Segment your audience and personalize email content to make it more relevant and engaging, improving deliverability.

By carefully integrating these best practices and leveraging Salesforce’s advanced features, you can significantly improve your email deliverability rates and achieve better results from your email marketing campaigns.

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Future Trends in Email Deliverability

Emerging Technologies in Email Deliverability

As we look toward the future, it’s evident that new technologies will continue to shape the email deliverability landscape. We are already seeing advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) significantly impacting how emails are filtered and delivered. AI-driven solutions are enhancing spam filters to be more accurate, which means email marketers must be more diligent than ever in ensuring their content meets quality standards.

Moreover, blockchain technology is emerging as a potential game-changer for email authentication. With its ability to create secure and transparent records, blockchain could revolutionize how we verify sender identities and manage email security protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. This added layer of security can enhance email deliverability by reducing the chances of emails being marked as spam.

Predictions for Email Deliverability Trends in 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, email marketers should keep an eye on several trends. First, the increased use of interactive emails is likely to grow. Interactive elements such as carousel images, embedded forms, and surveys can boost engagement rates, directly influencing email deliverability.

Another prediction is the rise of hyper-personalization. As data collection and analytics become more sophisticated, marketers will be able to create highly tailored email experiences for recipients. This level of personalization can improve engagement metrics, subsequently enhancing deliverability rates. However, managing data privacy concerns carefully and complying with regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM is essential.

Preparing Your Strategy for Future Changes

Adopting a forward-thinking strategy is crucial to staying ahead in the evolving email deliverability landscape. Begin by integrating advanced email deliverability tools into your marketing stack. These tools can offer real-time insights and predictive analytics, helping you preempt potential deliverability issues before they arise.

Additionally, continuous education and training for your team on the latest best practices and technological advancements can provide a competitive edge. Regularly update your strategies to align with emerging trends and technologies, ensuring that your emails not only reach the inbox but also effectively engage the recipient.

Lastly, fostering strong relationships with ISPs and mailbox providers can significantly and positively impact your sender reputation. Constantly monitor your performance metrics and proactively address any issues affecting your email deliverability.


Summary of Key Points

Ensuring that your emails successfully land in your recipients’ inboxes hinges on a robust understanding of email deliverability. Maintaining good email deliverability for marketing emails ensures they reach the intended audience effectively. Email deliverability is distinct from email delivery; it focuses on the percentage of sent emails that successfully reach the target inbox rather than bouncing or being filtered into the spam folder. High deliverability rates are crucial for the success of your email marketing campaigns, with industry standards typically suggesting a rate of 95% or higher as ideal.

Several factors influence email deliverability, including sender reputation, email content and design, recipient engagement, and technical setups such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. Marketers can diagnose and rectify issues that may adversely affect deliverability rates by regularly conducting an email deliverability test and using specialized email deliverability tools.

Adhering to best practices is imperative to achieving and maintaining high deliverability rates. This includes consistently monitoring the sender reputation, improving email content, ensuring technical compliance, and fostering strong engagement with recipients. Tools like AudiencePoint can provide invaluable insights and metrics to help identify issues and optimize email strategies.

Final Thoughts on Maintaining High Email Deliverability

Maintaining high email deliverability is not a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment. Essential strategies include regularly assessing your email campaigns, keeping an eye on industry trends, and utilizing advanced deliverability tools. In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying proactive and informed will ensure that your messages always reach their intended audience effectively.

Encouragement to Utilize Tools and Follow Best Practices

Leveraging dedicated email deliverability tools and tests can significantly enhance your email marketing efforts. Tools like AudiencePoint offer comprehensive features to optimize your email deliverability and ensure higher engagement rates. They provide in-depth insights into subscriber behaviors and technical aspects, helping you make informed decisions.

Boost your email engagement and drive more revenue with the #1 Email Engagement Platform. AudiencePoint gives you unparalleled visibility into your subscribers’ inbox habits, leveraging 85 trillion tracked events and a second-party data pool to optimize re-engagement campaigns, improve deliverability, and maximize ROI. Request a demo now and see how AudiencePoint can take your email marketing to the next level.