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How Do You Measure Email Deliverability?

Apr 14, 2024

AudiencePoint Team

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In the dynamic world of email marketing, ensuring that your messages reach your audience’s inbox is paramount. Testing email deliverability is a crucial practice for any email marketer aiming to optimize campaign success. This process identifies potential issues that may prevent your emails from landing in the inboxes of your target audience. But what exactly is email deliverability, and why is it so important?

Email deliverability refers to the ability of an email to successfully reach the recipient’s inbox, rather than being filtered into spam folders or rejected by email servers. This metric is influenced by various factors including the sender’s reputation, email content, and the quality of the recipient list. Understanding and optimizing these elements can significantly enhance your email marketing efforts.

Is There a Way to Test Email Deliverability?

Testing email deliverability is crucial for any email marketer aiming to optimize their campaign’s success. This process helps you identify potential issues that may prevent your emails from reaching the inboxes of your target audience and explain what is email deliverability.

Utilizing Email Deliverability Testing Tools

One effective method to test email deliverability is utilizing specialized tools designed to monitor and improve deliverability rates. These tools provide insights into metrics such as bounce rates, spam complaints, and inbox placement. Popular tools in the market include Litmus, Return Path, and Mailgun. These platforms offer detailed reports and can help you proactively identify and resolve deliverability issues.

Testing with Seed Lists

Seed lists are another practical way to test email deliverability. A seed list includes various email addresses collected from different mailbox providers and geographic locations. You can monitor how your emails perform across various platforms by sending test emails to these addresses. This method helps you understand the potential hurdles your emails might face and allows you to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Checking Against Common Spam Filters

Spam filters are one of the main obstacles to achieving high deliverability rates. Testing your emails against common spam filters can help you identify elements within your email content or structure that may trigger these filters. Tools like SpamAssassin, GlockApps, and IsNotSpam can simulate spam filter checks and provide actionable advice on improving your emails.

Analyzing Email Content and Sender Reputation

Your email’s content and sender reputation play significant roles in determining deliverability. Regularly analyzing your email content for factors like subject line effectiveness, spammy words, and overall design can lead to better inbox placement. Furthermore, maintaining a positive sender reputation by adhering to best practices, such as proper list management and securing proper authentication, is essential for consistent deliverability.

What Determines Email Deliverability?

Understanding what determines email deliverability is crucial for any successful email marketing campaign. Several factors come into play when considering whether your emails reach your recipients’ inboxes or get flagged as spam. Let’s explore the key determinants.

What Determines Email Deliverability?

Sender Reputation and Its Impact

Your sender reputation is perhaps the most significant factor affecting email deliverability. This reputation is built over time and influenced by metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and complaint rates. High spam complaints or a history of sending emails to invalid addresses can harm your reputation, causing email providers to blacklist your domain.

Importance of Email Authentication

Email authentication methods such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) play a vital role. These methods help verify that the email comes from a legitimate source, reducing the risk of phishing attacks and spam. Properly configuring these protocols is essential for your email deliverability.

Relevance and Quality of Email Content

The content of your email also influences deliverability. Emails that are relevant, personalized, and valuable to the recipient are more likely to be opened and less likely to be marked as spam. Avoiding spammy words and large attachments and ensuring your HTML is clean and error-free can also improve deliverability rates.

Email List Management and Hygiene

Proper email list management is essential. Regularly cleaning your email lists to remove inactive or incorrect addresses can prevent high bounce rates, negatively impacting your sender reputation. Double opt-in methods ensure that your list comprises engaged and interested recipients, reducing the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.

What Is a Good Email Deliverability Score?

Achieving a good email deliverability score is crucial for the success of any email marketing campaign. This score indicates the percentage of emails successfully delivered to the recipient’s inbox rather than landing in spam or bouncing back. A good email deliverability score reflects positively on your sender reputation and the quality of your email infrastructure.

What Is a Good Email Deliverability Score?

Definition and Metrics of Email Deliverability Score

An email deliverability score is typically calculated by dividing the number of emails that reach recipients’ inboxes by the total number of emails sent. For example, if you send 100 emails and 90 successfully land in inboxes, your deliverability score is 90%. This includes various metrics, such as open and bounce rates, which can offer further insights into deliverability.

Industry Standards and Acceptable Rates

Industry standards for acceptable deliverability rates can vary, but most experts agree that a 95% or above score is considered excellent. Scores below 90% might indicate potential issues that need addressing. According to industry benchmarks, maintaining a high deliverability score aligns with best practices and regulatory compliance.

Indicators of a Good Deliverability Score

Several indicators can help you determine if you have a good deliverability score. High open rates are a positive sign, suggesting that your emails are delivered and welcomed by the recipients. Low bounce rates, few spam complaints, and positive feedback from recipients are also key indicators.

How to Improve and Maintain High Deliverability Scores

Continuous monitoring and optimization are essential to learning how do you maintain high email delivery scores. Start by regularly cleaning your email list to remove invalid or inactive email addresses. Proper email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC fortify your email deliverability. Additionally, crafting engaging and relevant content improves recipient interaction and reduces the chances of emails being marked as spam.

What Is the Benchmark for Email Deliverability?

Benchmarking your email deliverability rates against industry standards is crucial for understanding where your email marketing efforts stand. Let’s explore the current industry benchmarks, their influencing factors, and how to ensure your deliverability rates meet or exceed these standards.

What Is the Benchmark for Email Deliverability?

Current Industry Benchmarks for Deliverability Rates

According to recent industry reports, the average email deliverability benchmark ranges between 95% and 98%. This means that out of every 100 emails sent, 95 to 98 emails successfully reach the recipients’ inboxes. Remember that these benchmarks can vary slightly depending on the source and the specific industry.

Furthermore, some sources suggest a more segmented approach, providing benchmarks for specific email types, such as transactional emails (which often have higher deliverability rates) versus promotional emails.

Factors Influencing Benchmark Variances

Several elements can influence these benchmarks, causing variances across reports and studies. Key factors include:

  • Industry Sector: Specific industries may experience higher or lower deliverability rates based on consumer engagement patterns.
  • Geographical Location: Regional differences in internet infrastructure and email client preferences can cause variations.
  • Subscriber Engagement: Higher engagement levels often lead to better deliverability rates.

Understanding these factors can help email marketers tailor their strategies more effectively to meet or exceed benchmarks.

Comparing Deliverability Rates Across Different Industries

It’s essential to compare your delivery rate email marketing benchmarks against those specific to your industry. For example:

  • E-commerce: Typically sees deliverability rates around 95-96%.
  • Non-Profit Organizations: Often achieve rates in the range of 97-98%.
  • Healthcare: Can vary greatly but usually falls within the 94-97% range.

These differences underline the importance of context when assessing your deliverability success.

Comparing Deliverability Rates Across Different Industries

Strategies to Align with or Exceed Benchmarks

To ensure you meet or exceed these benchmarks, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Regular List Hygiene: Keep your email lists clean by removing inactive or unengaged subscribers.
  • Email Authentication: Ensure your emails are authenticated via SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to boost the sender reputation.
  • Personalized Content: Craft engaging, personalized content that encourages interaction and minimizes the unsubscribe rate.
  • Testing and Monitoring: Consistently test and monitor your campaigns using email deliverability tools to identify and address issues promptly.

By focusing on these areas, you will align with industry benchmarks and enhance the overall effectiveness of your email marketing strategy.

How Do You Measure Email Deliverability?

Measuring email deliverability is crucial for understanding the success of your email marketing campaigns. Let’s dive into the key formulas, metrics, and practical examples that can help you learn how to measure email deliverability and improve your email deliverability.

Formulas and Metrics for Measuring Email Delivery Rate

The email delivery rate formula is the most basic metric for measuring email deliverability. This formula is calculated by dividing the number of emails delivered by the number of emails sent and then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage:

Email Delivery Rate = (Number of Emails Delivered / Number of Emails Sent) * 100

A high delivery rate indicates that your emails successfully reach your subscribers’ inboxes. However, factors such as bounces and spam rejections can affect this rate.

Calculating the Conversion Rate of an Email

The conversion rate measures how effectively your emails drive desired actions. To calculate the conversion rate of an email, use the following formula:

Email Conversion Rate = (Number of Actions Taken / Number of Emails Delivered) * 100

This metric helps you understand how well your email content motivates subscribers to take specific actions, such as purchasing or signing up for a webinar.

Understanding the Email Unsubscribe Rate Formula

The email unsubscribe rate is another important metric. It indicates how many recipients opt out of your mailing list after receiving an email. The formula is:

Email Unsubscribe Rate = (Number of Unsubscribes / Number of Emails Delivered) * 100

A rising unsubscribe rate could indicate that your email content isn’t resonating with your audience or that your sending frequency is too high.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Email Deliverability

Besides the delivery, conversion, and unsubscribe rates, other KPIs are essential for holistic email deliverability measurement. These include:

  • Open Rate: The percentage of recipients who open your email.
  • Click-through Rate (CTR): The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your email.
  • Bounce Rate: The percentage of emails that couldn’t be delivered to the recipient’s inbox.

Monitoring these KPIs together provides a comprehensive view of your email campaign performance.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Email Deliverability

Practical Examples of Measuring Deliverability

Suppose your latest email campaign sent 10,000 emails. Out of these, 9,800 were delivered, and 9,100 were opened. Additionally, you had 500 click-throughs, 50 unsubscribes, and 200 bounces. Here’s how you could break down your metrics:

  • Delivery Rate: (9,800 / 10,000) * 100 = 98%
  • Open Rate: (9,100 / 9,800) * 100 = 92.86%
  • Click-through Rate: (500 / 9,800) * 100 = 5.10%
  • Unsubscribe Rate: (50 / 9,800) * 100 = 0.51%
  • Bounce Rate: (200 / 10,000) * 100 = 2%

By consistently measuring and analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into the health of your email campaigns and make informed adjustments to improve performance.

Boost your email engagement and drive more revenue with the #1 Email Engagement Platform. Audience Point gives you unparalleled visibility into your subscribers’ inbox habits, leveraging 85 trillion tracked events and a second-party data pool to optimize re-engagement campaigns, improve deliverability, and maximize ROI. Request a demo now and see how Audience Point can take your email marketing to the next level.